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Monday, January 3, 2011

The Black Swan

I saw this movie over the weekend with Fiance`.  It is about anorexic Nina, a young ballerina with an itch to perfectly perform the lead in Swan Lake.  The role of both the bad and good swan takes a toll on her little brain, already fragile from her life with Mommy - a bitter failure of a ballerina, who wants her daughter to achieve what she could not.
It's really good.  Go see it.  You'll see.  You won't want to be a ballerina. 


  1. I've been looking forward to this movie ... Best not let little Brenna see it though ... she deserves a few more "Mommy I want to be a ballerina" years.

  2. Had to post again just to see the captcha it gave me this time ... fun words like mularaut and unhaltre ... gonna make up fun meanings for them. (:

  3. The movie is a little too "out there" for Brenna. I'm sure mularaut is just a really awful small restaurant, isn't it?
