I'm at Fiance's guarding the cat from running outside while the Mold Men de-mold the attic so the house can be sold as planned. I've scheduled my pre-wedding make-up trial date. This has nothing to do with court. This is all about looking perfect on the Big Day.
What day is today?? June 13 2011. What a couple of months this has been! I think I'm insane now and actually it's a great relief. Much of the stuff I would be inclined to control is completely out of my control.
My Dad and his wife will not come to my wedding because my brother is attending. It took me several months to gain the courage to tell them that I have invited everyone from the forbidden guest list, but I made the call last week and here I am. I survived. And all the guests will have a blast. That's how it works.
Still learning the whisper of Italics.
Isn't truly growing up freeing? I had to do that, too. You won't regret it. Happy wedding!