OK, so Black Friday is here after that huge meal and I've ignored the stores, encountered the traffic, but went for a long languid facial. Took up most of the afternoon but I'm home now and running the TV without paying attention, playing with the Cat, and listening to my neighbor out there erecting Christmas decorations.
I straightened out the garage so two people can park their cars nicely rather than smashing into mine. Or touching my passenger door with their jumbo whack-o door. And I can get out of my car without cursing. That's my kind of clean up.
Oh, what was I going to say? I need to work through my fear of Black Friday. Just because everyone on earth is at the stores fighting to purchase junk economically should not deter me from going to Target to buy shampoo and toilet paper. I need to embrace the crowds. I need to learn to live like everybody that was in my way earlier today.
Thank goodness I'm coming around.